Week 13 of the challenges has been a huge week. Not so much for the challenges, but more because tomorrow is my birthday and we have been celebrating all weekend. Currently we're winding down in preparation for the work week, so I thought I'd create an entry while we have some downtime.
Of the 52wk challenges, the EF is now creeping up to $1000, will be nice when it hits it!
Of the banking the difference challenge, my team St Kilda won the football by 28 points, so $28 will be transferred to the EF. Yay!
After Easter, a heavy workload at work and going out to our niece's birthday on Thursday night, I was glad that I thought ahead and decided that this birthday would be a quiet one. When we have parties with all our families, mine & B's, a birthday celebration becomes not only expensive but a lot of work. Before Easter I decided that as my birthday is not a special year, all I want to do is go out with my friends on Saturday night, and have my family over for afternoon tea on Sunday. B also came out with my friends, amazingly he was ok with being the only male, was very proud of him.
For my friends I decided to do nibbles platters plus put on some frozen food (mini-quiches, sausage rolls, spring rolls etc), and for my family, nibbles platters. So I decided when shopping to look for buy 2 get discounts deals. For celebrations I buy mostly brand name food. It's a celebration so I allow leeway in the budget to enjoy the nicer things. $111 in total, $10 was for grocery items however. Didn't have cash or money in checking, so used CC & need to repay tomorrow when I log into Internet banking.
Got my hair done, this was $95, paid cash.
Bought petrol & am hoping to stretch this for 3 weeks (fingers crossed), $50, which needs to be repaid back to CC.
Bought alcohol & am hoping to stretch that to 3 weeks too, $47.48, this needs to be repaid back to CC too.
So in total, I need to transfer back $209 back to CC tomorrow (rounded it up slightly), and $28 to EF.
We didn't go out until 10.30 so only had a few drinks, $65 was spent.
Had such a lovely time with friends and family! I'm glad that I decided not to do anything huge, because I had a great time, am relaxed and feel like I'm glowing! I love the people in my world
Challenges Week 13 & money to repay CC
April 12th, 2015 at 11:26 am
April 12th, 2015 at 01:37 pm 1428842277
Wishing you a very happy birthday 🎂
April 12th, 2015 at 03:33 pm 1428849235
April 12th, 2015 at 11:19 pm 1428877162
April 12th, 2015 at 11:49 pm 1428878947
April 13th, 2015 at 01:07 am 1428883647
I didn't understand your comment on CC groceries. We use a CC for groceries since they started the 5% discount reward. A few years ago I did an experiment to see if I spent more using a CC for groceries than I spent when I knew I had $ 100. cash in my wallet. Yes, I spent about $ 20. more on CC than when using cash. I used to watch whether others in the cashier line-ups paid by cash and discovered I was always the only one unless someone had less than 6 items.
I've always thought the stores have it wrong, they would pay less in CC fees if they offered a discount to customers who pay cash.
April 13th, 2015 at 08:50 am 1428911412
Snafu because I have CC debt I avoid charging things to my CC- I don't want to get into the habit of having new charges added on while I still have old things to pay back. So I treat my CC like a boomerang - anything that is charged to it pretty much instantly gets repaid. I just hadn't transferred the money into checking before I went out so used the CC instead, then today on my lunch break repaid it.
We have two main supermarkets here, Coles and Safeway (Aldi is 3rd), Coles have a rewards MasterCard (I will not even consider that!) and Safeway have a rewards card which is not a CC (I have this rewards card). Thank you for your pampering ideas