Home > Challenges Tally Month 3

Challenges Tally Month 3

April 16th, 2015 at 08:55 am

Today it is exactly 3 months since I started the challenges, so it's time to note down the progress for a quarter of the year!

For month 3 of the 52 week challenge, approximately $1,381.00 has been saved/repaid against the various places.

For month 3 of the Banking The Difference challenge approximately $1,563.75 has been saved/repaid against the various places.

For both a total of $2,944.75 has been saved/repaid. Total current goal $5512 + $1,563.75 = $7,075.75. This makes progress of having saved 41.62% of the total goal (if there was no more banking the difference for the rest of the year and we just stuck to the 52 week challenge).

The result so far for each account / card is:
EF = $1,545.23 saved
CC 1 = $462.96 repaid
CC 2 = $489.56 repaid
Mortgage = $447 saved

It's great to see some results, now it's just a matter of not getting too complacent. It still looks like we kind of have a mini-EF now which is good. Credit card debt at the start of the challenge was $9.1k and is now just under $8.2k, so is moving further away from the $10k mark (which to me is scary). Mortgage $127k (we'll tackle the savings and credit card debt first).

5 Responses to “Challenges Tally Month 3”

  1. scottish girl Says:

    Good job!Smile

  2. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Thanks SG!

  3. chloe Says:

    Debt down, savings up, looking good!

  4. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Thanks Smile

  5. creditcardfree Says:

    Wow! You have done fantastic!!

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