Home > Banking the Difference deposit & other stuff

Banking the Difference deposit & other stuff

May 21st, 2015 at 08:58 am

Last night I paid bills but as B needed to use the computer I didn't have time to blog, I just updated the sidebar. This week's bill savings were $138.21 ($66 saved on my phone, $45 on the train ticket and $27 saved on the gas bill).

Last week spending was fairly low so I decided to put $35 on my CC, so have added that to banking the difference as well, as a snowflake. Now looking at my pay though it's time to rein in the spending so I'll be able to do a few things I want to do (before it gets frittered away). I have clothes I want to buy and I'm running out of month Smile

This is especially because the balance of the study subject was $283 and books were $166.21. I'm thankful that this is all claimable on tax.


We were planning on having a big party for B's 40th but for the third time he's suggested he would probably rather go on a holiday to Fiji instead. I think it's partly because his work payments haven't really been coming in (now apparently its this week. Hmmm) and also partly because I don't think he wants to spend all that money on a party. I will leave it up to him. Our 5 year Anniversary is this year so it would be the perfect occasion for a holiday and the prices I've researched are reasonable.


I called the lost dogs home and the dog we found got collected, so that's a happy ending. I guess we weren't meant to have a second dog.


I'm considering changing the 52 week challenge to the 50 week challenge so it ends on New Year's Eve, would be a really great celebration. At the moment it's TBA

Hope you're doing well everyoneSmile

5 Responses to “Banking the Difference deposit & other stuff ”

  1. scottish girl Says:

    That would be nice, it ending on New Year's Eve.

  2. Shiela Says:

    Fiji is beautiful, we were there exactly 5 years ago, it is lovely this time of the year especially compare to our cold weather at the moment. We actually got some relatives leaving and working there this year and they are absolutely loving it.

    50 week challenge sounds good.

  3. CB in the City Says:

    I'm glad the pup found his home!

  4. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Good news about the pup finding his home!

  5. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Yeah I'm glad the pup found its home as I'm sure her owners were worried.. She was so cute thoughSmile

    We went to Fiji last year and loved it (hence hubby wanting to be back there!)

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