Home > Balance Transfer Payment No.3 Done

Balance Transfer Payment No.3 Done

October 15th, 2015 at 10:46 am

Today was payday so as soon as I was able to, I transferred the money out of the account and paid the third balance transfer payment! Only 11 more to go.

Once the payment hits the balance transfer card will be at $3341.00. It's so good to have the credit card debt under control and not be charged interest anymore.

The balance transfer payment was $303, with $106 coming from 52 week challenge savings and the remaining $197 coming from today's pay, which got added to the Banking the Difference challenge. The totals for these two challenges at the end of the year will now be:

52 wk challenge $5300 + Banking the Difference challenge $3375.54 = $8675.54.

Hoping you're all well!

2 Responses to “Balance Transfer Payment No.3 Done”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Making progress!

  2. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Thanks! I worked out there is now 1 months pay owing compared to 1.5 months owing when I started the challenges, so yeah getting there Smile

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