Very happy to say that yesterday DH got offered a job!
He had a second interview on Friday with the company's general manager and got offered the job yesterday.
He did have to take a $10,000 pay reduction however paycuts are happening right across the industry so we were prepared for that and were fine with it. What he is getting paid is still good for us and we can continue to live comfortably.
He starts next Monday, and it makes him unemployed for just under a month, which isn't too bad at all in this current climate. We're just so happy that he got something so quickly. He thinks the people are ok too, so fingers crossed it all goes well.
We will have a bit of the redundancy package to spend on house items and save away, which is good. At this stage we are unsure of how much will be left as his employment contract says he is paid one month in arrears so we need to see what happens there.
We had pizza for dinner last night to celebrate .
I have decided to embark on a 52 week mega money challenge to repay back both of our credit cards, will write more about that later in the week.
For now, we are just enjoying the lack of uncertainty!
DH Got A Job!!!
May 19th, 2020 at 03:22 am
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