Home > 52 Week Mega Money Challenge Week 1

52 Week Mega Money Challenge Week 1

May 21st, 2020 at 08:25 am

To get our credit cards under control, I have decided to do a 52 week challenge, as these have worked so well in the past. This time the one I am doing is the 52 week Mega Money Challenge which starts at a $5 payment and finishes at a $260 payment. The total amount repaid on our credit cards would be $6890, which will be split exactly in half.

B owes roughly $3700 on his and I have two cards in which I owe around $4200 excluding the pet expenses which we will be repaying soon.

I have listed two columns, one listed B and the other listed V.

This week B needed $100 on his card so I have listed that his share has been paid for the $200 week. This week I needed $65 repaid so I have listed that my share has been paid for the $130 week.

I am really aiming to be diligent with keeping up the challenge and look forward to lower credit card balances!

6 Responses to “52 Week Mega Money Challenge Week 1”

  1. Wink Says:

    I think these challenges are a great way to stay motivated!

  2. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Thanks, me too!

  3. mumof2 Says:

    good luck I started a challenge and got sick of the money sitting around so put it in the bank...we have no debt so can't figure out what to do with it besides saving for a house

  4. VS_ozgirl Says:

    A house is a great thing to save for! It’s expensive but it’s so worth it once you have it because it’s all yours, no one can take it, you don’t have to move unless you want to and you can make whatever changes you like. Go for gold 😁!

  5. rob62521 Says:

    Hope you succeed!

  6. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Thanks Rob!

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