Home > Unemployment Week 5, Landed Work Trial

Unemployment Week 5, Landed Work Trial

August 24th, 2021 at 04:08 am

I'm a bit behind on entries, it's actually the start of week 6, but I will report week 6 at the end of the week.  After my last entry where I was getting annoyed with the job hunting process all of a sudden everything sped up into action.  In our state we have generally had short snap lockdowns this year so I think a lot of potential employers were just waiting out the lockdown (I have found that a lot of potential employers prefer to interview in person rather than Zoom; maybe everybody is completely sick of Zoom!).  This outbreak is spreading out of control though and nearly four weeks later it does not show any signs of slowing down, so I think potential employers have realised that the need to have their positions filled outweighs their interview preference and they just have to use Zoom.

On Friday I got a call asking for an interview first thing Monday morning, then on Sunday I got an email from someone else asking me to come to this business's home office (I declined due to lockdown and offered a Zoom interview instead). I ended up having two different interviews on Monday, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, which was definitely good practice in getting used to interviewing.  On Tuesday I got a call from another company and got an interview Thursday, and had to speak to them again on Wednesday so by the time I interviewed on Thursday I had a pretty good rapport with them.

The Thursday interview is for an accounts/admin job 2-3 days per week at a hair and beauty wholesaler and is a 10 minute drive from home.  The people seemed lovely, the interview went well and I was really happy to hear from them two hours later asking me to come back next week for a day to see if I like them, if they like me, and if I can do the work.  I've never had a work trial for an office job but read later on that it is common in retail and hospitality (they are retail).  Also is common with people who don't want to go through second interview processes and want the spot filled quickly.  Wish me luck on this one!

(I'm aware that right now it is a trial, not a secured job as yet, but am hopeful to get the job)

Pretty much as soon as I got the call asking for me to attend the work trial I got an email from the Monday afternoon interview asking for my references.  In the interview they stipulated that I would have to work at their home office and they are happy to obtain a work permit because it is an essential service however I know for a fact they are not an essential service so just didn't have a good feeling about them (if I get caught with a dodgy work permit it is a penalty of around $10,000!), so was happy to tell them that I have accepted another position.  I did research which businesses are essential services and there is no way that they are.

In financial news, things are going well - we have spent 41% of our variables budget and it is the 24th so that is great; we should finish the month off in a good position.  We had to replace our bedside table lamps today and spent $143, really this is the biggest expense we have had in a while.

Also I made our first deposit to the 52 week challenge, for the amount of $6.

6 Responses to “Unemployment Week 5, Landed Work Trial”

  1. Carol Says:

    Sounds very hopeful!Good luck!

  2. Wink Says:

    I actually like the idea of a work trial. It benefits both parties and you can at least get an initial feel for the atmosphere and the work. Good luck!

  3. mumof2 Says:

    Watch out a work trial they tend to do it to a lot of people as most do it for free so they get workers for free for a couple of weeks...but I hope they don't and you get the job.

    I am sorry about the least your not as bad as NSW they are bad...hopefully with the lockdowns it will get more under control sooner...that budget looks good looks like you are saving some $

  4. rob62521 Says:

    Hope it works out! The other one is probably a problem...always go with your gut feeling!

  5. CB in the City Says:

    I've never heard of a work trial before, maybe it's an Australian thing? Anyway, it sounds promising -- I hope it is a good fit and that you get the permanent position.

  6. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Thanks everyone!

    Mumof2 I read a bit about work trials to get my head around it - they said if the employer is genuine it will be completely supervised and should generally be under 3 hours.. they are only open until 3 so it won’t be a long day.. but I’m happy to give them the day and see if a job offer comes at the end of it.. can only put my best foot forward.. I won’t be trialling for a couple of weeks because realistically probation in a job is 6 months, so there’s no need to trial for that long.. I haven’t applied for jobs since I got that offer last week so if I don’t hear anything by next Tuesday morning, I will be back applying for jobs again! (I have to put a time limit on it)

    CB - I don’t think it’s just an Australian thing because I read American and UK internet articles and conversations on it, I think it’s usually more hospitality and retail industries in general? But thank you

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