It's been nearly a month since I have blogged but all is fine here. I am now working 3 days per week at my job, which is really great. The job is going well and I can now plan to get some clients to fill up the remaining two days; now that I know exactly how much time I have available I can work more strongly towards that.
We got all of our banking stuff sorted and tax returns lodged, so it has been great to have that done and to spend less time on that area.
Financial stuff done today is:
Share Investing
I've kind of always had a little bit of money in shares and started spreadsheeting that properly in 2015. I realised over the last month that I've had roughly $5500 invested for a couple of years now and the cash in the brokerage account has been steadily growing. I admit, once money gets deposited there it generally stays there except for in a dire emergency, but thought it might be a good idea to re-balance and invest a bit more. I worked out if I invested $1000 per year from 2015 and reinvested all of the investment earnings technically I should have $7682 invested. To re-balance I bought 20 shares in an ETF for the amount of $1928 and 1000 shares in a small healthcare company for the amount of $562. That now brings me to a balance of $7681 invested (current market value on everything $7972). This should cover me to December next year before I have to think about adding any additional capital.
52 Week Challenge
I have not been keeping track of this but we had a bit of a surplus in our spending account so I paid 2 weeks of the challenge, that brings us to have now $212 saved towards some new pets.
New Couch
I decided to use part of my tax refund on a new couch for the back room/dining area, costing $1100 for a three seater recliner couch in leather lookalike material which is apparently very easy to clean. It looks lovely and is very comfortable!
November 24th, 2021 at 12:22 am 1637713336
new couch sounds good glad you were able to pay cash for it
November 29th, 2021 at 09:28 pm 1638221300
December 7th, 2021 at 07:57 pm 1638907024