Home > 2024 Check-In

2024 Check-In

June 10th, 2024 at 08:11 am

Hello my SA friends!  It’s been a while but I’m popping in to say hi. I actually did a blog post right before Christmas last year and went to post it and there were some website problems so didn’t, forgot about it but have been regularly reading SA blogs and articles. I just got out of the posting routine. I’m glad to see you are all doing pretty well though!


The post was about my goals for 2024 and I’m happy to say that even though I didn’t post the entry I have actually been doing some of the things planned. 


The things which have been going well are as follows:


I have a direct debit from our bank account our wages are deposited into to my brokerage account of 5% of my pay as kind of an emergency fund.  The direct debit expires at the end of this year because next year I’m planning to send the 5% to our mortgage loan as extra payments and the year after to my superannuation fund (known as a retirement account in the US). Basically I want to rotate the savings into different places each year. 


Last year I did the 365 penny challenge into an old bank account we weren’t using to turn this bank account into my credit card like bank account. (I had to cancel my credit cards to qualify for our home loan and while I don’t have any credit cards of my own now I do still need some money separate from our checking account to cover the things I would have spent on my credit card). At the end of last year $667 was saved. I was going to do the challenge again but stopped it, however still kept the regular $10 direct debit from our checking account to this account. As long as every purchase is repaid (which it is) it will grow by $520 per year. 


The other things are a work in progress. 


Life has been slowly calming down after moving house and selling our old house which is good. While there is always something going on and life is never perfect or easy it’s nice to not have the level of stress we had last year and the year before. 


Today it is King’s Birthday public holiday so we had a quiet day in where I did washing, washed my car and walked our dog Diesel, and B pottered around in the shed doing a bit of work on his project bike. It was a relaxing and productive day. 

9 Responses to “2024 Check-In”

  1. Carol B. Says:

    So good to hear from you again!

  2. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Thanks CB, glad to be back here again!

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I’ve been away awhile but am glad to see you!

  4. Dido Says:

    Good to hear from you and congrats on making progress towards your goals!

  5. rob62521 Says:

    Glad you posted!

  6. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Hi FrugalTexan, Dido & Rob! Great to hear from you & thank you!!

    FrugalTexan I hope you can start blogging again too!

  7. mumof2 Says:

    Welcome are you enjoy this cold weather??

  8. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Thanks mumof2! I have a love/hate relationship with the cold haha… I love enjoying being inside out of the cold and embracing cooking yummy winter foods but hate being caught out in the weather like wearing the wrong clothes and having to suffer all day or getting caught driving in torrential rains! Hope you’re coping ok with the winter weather

  9. mumof2 Says:

    Yes I am the same but I love being in nature so have taken a few walks in the rain...hubby just runs me a bath while im out so I can hop straight into it...for some reason I dont feel the cold as much as I use to..only have 2 months left of winter and we did need the rain here in our state

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